I have known Maggie for more than a decade. Like many, I collected her artwork and have an entire wall in one of my bedrooms full of Maggie’s whimsical pieces that capture the very essence of, in my case, Bernese Mountain Dogs. Over the years I commissioned Maggie to paint pieces for my sister-in-law and her husband who also own Berners and have EVERYTHING. She even painted Weimariners for my veterinarian who bred them to give to him at Christmas. About eight years ago, I began writing a book for children whose fathers have cancer told through the eyes of my dogs. It was during that time my husband was going through his treatment for lung cancer and I discovered that while there were many wonderful kid’s books about women and breast cancer there were next to none about dads. Although she had been asked on many different occasions by many different people, Maggie agreed to illustrate MY book. Unfortunately, I got to the part about hospice care…or the real nitty gritty dad isn’t going to get better at the same time my late husband had exhausted all treatment options and experimental studies. I didn’t have time to continue writing and after his passing and then losing one of my dogs (the narrator in the book) it was too painful to pick up where I left off.
In 2013, through Facebook , I was able to reconnect with Maggie. Things in her life took a different turn, things in my life were very different as well…the bond, because of life’s events was a tad bent, but the connection that began all those years ago was still there. So, one night or should I say in the wee hours of the morning, a GOTCHA MOMENT occurred to me—wouldn’t Maggie’s art look great etched! To test the waters, I asked a friend who is a BIG collector of Maggie’s art what she thought before I approached Maggie and she gave me a resounding YES! So, with that I asked Maggie would she consider a collaborative venture where I etch some of her more popular pieces and she AGREED!
In 2014, with a successful holdiay season behind us, Maggie gave me permission to use hundreds of her designs. This allowed for treat jars with multiple images, crystal platters, trophies and so many more types of glass that I could etch. The only problem we have encountered is Maggie paints most pieces with a rainbow of colors and all of those colors need to be winnowed down to just two—etched and clear –without losing the fun of the design. But, we’re getting there… this is very different for both of us …it’s a bit of cross culture---introducing her client base to her work in a different media and introducing my clients to the WONDERFUL WORLD OF MAGGIE and TANGERINE STUDIOS!
*My name is Maggie Brudos *
…I always have paint smooched fingers & forearms along with an outfit dolloped
with glitter glue or paint
…accessorized with sawdust & dog hair…
Im one of those people who always knew what they wanted to be when they grew up
”I want to be an artist”
*so I am*
I have been creating for 20 plus years from photo-styling
For television and paintwork
To designing store window displays
…I am an animal lover…
With my bernese mountain dogs, shih tzu, & quirky shy cat working as my muses
…I have been painting full time for the past 15 years…
*my work has graced the pages of magazines, billboards, clothing & home accessories…
Im honored to say my art is displayed in several hundred homes throughout the country & the world
*you can find me here*
or just google me